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Cerritos College students speak out about distracted drivers on campus

Driving has always had its share of dangers and distractions have always been a part of the problem. However the dangers have increased in recent years due to cell phones becoming more common.

April has been designated Distracted Driving Awareness month which is focused on showing the dangers of driving with distractions. According to 3328 drivers were killed in 2012 due to driving while distracted.

Over the past week we asked the Chief Bukowieki and students around campus about their experiences with distracted drivers on campus. Watch the following video to learn about the experiences of students and tips to reduce distracted driving.

Introducing Cerritos College and the students that make it unique

Tonight’s article was focused on meeting the students of Cerritos college and learning more about the college itself. Every student brings something new and interesting to the school. Our goal was to talk to different people and get their opinions on the campus, and current events. For example we talked to a student majoring in law about the food on campus. We also tried to show interesting aspects of the campus that many may not be aware of. Such as the Math Success Center or the Auto shop on campus. These are just a few of the interesting things that can be found on a college campus.

Artist Connie Lane shows that great risks can lead to great success.

Many artists struggle and sacrifice for their dreams, but some go further than others.

One of these artists is Connie Lane, whose exhibit “No Place Like Home” is currently featured in the Cerritos College Art Gallery.

Born in Hong Kong, China, Lane comes from a family with seven brothers and three sisters.

Growing up, Lane was not exposed to art, but always felt she had a natural sense for it.

“When I went from primary to secondary school in Hong Kong, neither of them had art classes such as drawing and painting, design, Lane explained.

“Without knowledge of artistic background, I knew I was good at coordinating things together, I was like the art consultant in the family.”

Lane’s first taste of the art world came after high school when she started working at a typesetting factory.

“My urge to study design abroad began with encouragement from my former school mate who immigrated to USA with her family.”

It wasn’t an easy choice for Lane and her mother was against her choice at first.

“My mother was very worried and strongly opposed my choice. She knew I was not happy with my life in Hong Kong, but she couldn’t do anything to make me change my plans.” Said Lane.

Eventually, her mother came around and helped Lane achieve her goals.

Lane went on to graduate from Cal State Long Beach her Bachelor in Fine Arts degree in ceramics in 2005, and a Master of Fine Arts in mixed media sculpture in 2012.

Despite wanting to attend school in the United States, Lane had a tough time transitioning.

“Although I learned to write and read English at an early age at schools, there were not many chances that I could practice speaking. Living in a foreign country was a culture shock.”

While she missed her family Lane knew that she had made a choice and wanted to stick with it.

“By taking the risk to leave my country, I literally started a life, said Lane, I fully embraced America that gave me the opportunity to pursue my dream.”